#52Poetry: Ain’t Been Reading, But I’ve Been Productive.

I started the new year with the best of intentions: I was going to do and complete #52Poetry. I was going to read 52 books of poetry and I was going to write about it all.

After week four came and went…after I subscribed Netflix…after Mad Men, Portlandia, Arrested Development…after SGRho…after I decided I wanted to create stuff instead of read stuff…well, you get it.

I honestly don’t even know what week it is! I checked out Lucille Clifton’s entire collection, most of which are now overdue.

The year is not over and I can still reach my goal. I am just behind now…way behind.

But here’s what I have been doing instead of reading and writing! the sisters jones collective.

I made some upcycled brooches:

crocheted a layered brooch:

I made some cowls:

Then, there were a few baby blankets:

I attended  The Southern Writers Symposium – @WriteSouth:

I also participated in the @nypl poetry contest. This happened, too. I wasn’t too excited, then I was *shrug*and “it’s okay.”:

And finally, the sisters jones collective. has been, well, updated:

So, while I haven’t being doing #52Poetry that well so far, I am doing other stuff.

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